THEA Ranks High in Maintenance Review

A Maintenance Rating Program (MRP) implements a uniform evaluation system for maintenance features and aims to schedule and prioritize routine maintenance activities so that uniform maintenance conditions can be met on state highways. THEA evaluates its Selmon Expressway facilities on a yearly basis as an Urban Limited Access Highway. 

The purpose of a limited-access highway is to take drivers off local roads and give them an efficient, safe way to travel to their destinations. This year, we are pleased to announce that the Selmon Expressway received Maintenance Ratings above 90. This rating demonstrates the THEA vision and commitment to ensuring that our properties exceed standards and are well maintained, offering our Selmon drivers a quality experience. 

We rate highly as one of the best roads in the state, especially regarding traffic services and how our striping, pavement, and facilities function and contribute to safe mobility. In addition, year-over-year ratings show we meet or exceed desired maintenance conditions.

The MRP rankings are divided into five elements for each highway:

  • Roadway
  • Roadside
  • Traffic Services
  • Drainage
  • Vegetation/Aesthetics

THEA follows the MRP system set by the Florida Department of Transportation and also evaluates other criteria with even stricter guidelines. Congrats Team THEA for prioritizing these activities for the greater good of the community. Maintenance helps us protect these community investments and preserves our infrastructure for a greater tomorrow.

Highway Facility Elements 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018
Roadway 99 99 99 98 98
Roadside 93 93 91 86 88
Traffic Services 94 94 94 93 94
Drainage 96 98 99 97 98


95 96 96 95 94
Facility 96 96 96 94 95