THEA’s Commitment to STEM Education

THEA is proud to play a vital role in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in Tampa Bay. An annual event that highlights this commitment is the USF/Selmon Expressway Balsa Wood Bridge Building Competition, sponsored by THEA at USF’s Engineering Expo. This competition provides an exciting platform for middle and high school students in the Tampa Bay area to showcase their creativity and engineering skills.

The heart of this competition lies in challenging teams of three students to design and build model bridges using balsa wood. The event, held in conjunction with the Engineering Expo, allows participants to put their knowledge to the test. The competition focuses not only on the aesthetic aspects of the bridges but also on their structure, as load capacities are rigorously tested.

One of the most thrilling aspects of the competition is the simulated load tests. Bridges are subjected to increasing weights until the balsa wood eventually yields under the pressure. This real-world testing allows students to witness the direct impact of their engineering choices and materials on the bridge’s performance. It’s a lesson both in problem-solving and the practical application of STEM principles.

As the proud sponsor of this annual competition, THEA reaffirms its commitment to helping the next generation of engineers and innovators. By supporting initiatives like the USF Engineering Expo, THEA plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between academic learning and practical application. THEA is honored to be included in an event that not only promotes STEM education but also encourages students to explore the possibilities within the field.