We Continue to Improve Your Commute to Downtown Tampa: The Twiggs Improvement Project

Tampa is a city whose urban core is expanding with live, work, and play options. Many people use our Selmon Expressway as a vital connection to their downtown offices or to enjoy time in the city. While THEA is always looking ahead to plan for future growth, our agency also wants to make sure that we are listening to what our drivers need and enhancing our roadways with improvements that matter to you. 

In an effort to improve the safety of your exit into Downtown Tampa, the Twiggs Improvement Project is now complete. For this project, we added an additional right turn lane on Westbound Twiggs Street designed to improve traffic flow by moving traffic quicker from the REL (Reversible Express Lanes). 

With the project now complete, neighborhood teachers and families have shared their delight with the improvement. This additional lane improves traffic flow during key rush hours and makes commutes on the Selmon less hectic for downtown drivers.