THEA Landscapes Under Selmon Extension

When completed, the Selmon Extension will provide a regional connection for commuters between Brandon and the beaches. The 1.9-mile toll lane will be located in the median of Gandy Boulevard and offers a choice for local and regional travelers: use Gandy Boulevard for local destinations or use the Selmon Extension for a direct connection to the Selmon Expressway or the Gandy Bridge.

The bridge design and aesthetics of the project were created by our talented team of engineers and also voted on by the public. Almost 2,000 votes were cast for the Estuary pier design. The chosen design incorporates elements of nature envisioned in the form of a river delta and a canopy of cypress trees. 

With the Estuary design and the extension’s close proximity to one of Tampa’s most scenic waterfronts, THEA created a beautification plan to complement the design and enhance the area. The plan includes pavers, palms, and colorful flowering plants which will beautify the boulevard. Plans for Gandy Park and walkability are also included in THEA’s project.

Over 2,600 recycled brick pavers will be installed in the West end of the Selmon Extension and in the Gandy median. We are planting more than thirty bald cypress trees along with Florida flame-red maples, Muskogee crape myrtle, and sweet bay magnolia trees. The Selmon Extension will be a Tampa Bay landmark with world-wide design recognition. Views of the water will make this one of the best drives in Tampa Bay!

Check out our landscaping progress from the end of May 2020!