Rules of the Road for Holiday Travel

Holiday Travel: Rules of the Road

With the holidays approaching, we see a dramatic increase of people on the road, taking road trips to visit family and friends. Taking our wonderful network of roads is a great way to travel. There are a few things to keep in mind during your road trip this holiday season:

Limit distractions within the car

When families take a road trip together, it might not be as idyllic as imagined. Kids or babies may be whining, complaining, crying and causing a high level of distraction to the driver. Have a plan before you get in the car to make sure you can handle these types of situations quickly. Pack enough snacks to keep little ones happy and have enough things to do to limit the complaints.

Always drive well rested

There are so many accidents that are attributed to fatigue. If you notice your eyes getting heavy, pull over and give yourself the time you need to recover. Plan the trip so that you are not asking too much of yourself with a long day of driving. Also, make sure you are aware of how much time you will be driving at night and if you think your eyes and bodies are prepared for that amount of night driving.

Take breaks

Stretching the legs and moving around is revitalizing to your body and mind. As the driver, these breaks will help you stay alert on the roads. Breaks at rest areas or GPS marked destinations along the way, will also benefit your passengers. They might need the stretch and the change of scenery to handle the duration of the trip

Take your time on your road trip- there is no reward for getting to a destination ahead of schedule. It feels best to arrive safely and with as little stress as possible. Enjoy your trip!
#LoveYourDrive #SelmonExpressway #Roadtrip